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Advocate employees to "stay stones for the New Year" Shishi enterprises "frequent moves"

發(fā)布日期: 2021-01-27    瀏覽次數(shù): 804    新聞編輯: 

"On this festive season, the'maiden family' is here to send a sincere invitation to the majority of'new Shishi people', welcome everyone to stay and spend the New Year together, feel the rich festive atmosphere carefully created by the Shishi, and experience the authentic flavor of the Shishi New Year!" January On the 1st, a "Proposal" issued by the Shishi City Federation of Trade Unions wrote a vivid footnote for Shishi enterprises to achieve "retaining people with more care". During this period of time, from the government to the enterprises, one after another heart-warming policies for employees to keep stones for the New Year, many new Shishi people responded to the call and chose to celebrate the New Year locally and reduce long-distance travel.

The enterprise is full of sincerity
Recently, various companies in Shishi have begun to plan "retention policies" early, and have thrown out "real money" to encourage employees to celebrate the New Year on the spot. In addition to Xianghua Group’s reward of 1,000 yuan per employee for staying at the factory for the holidays and on-the-job as scheduled, Mulinsen Group presented family gift packages to the employees’ families, and also distributed a "Reserved Stone New Year Gift Package" to each of the employees’ families who stayed in the New Year. The reporter understands Many companies have also launched heart-warming initiatives.
For example, Shishi Xinjia Electronics Co., Ltd. will provide 400 yuan subsidy to employees from other provinces who have stayed in stone for the New Year and are fully on duty after returning to work; Shishi Nianfa Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. has introduced "18-day Spring Festival paid holiday" to employees who stayed in stone for the New Year. , That is, even if you do not go to work during the Spring Festival, as long as you stay in Shishi for the New Year, you can enjoy the salary of the corresponding post guaranteed salary standard in January 2021. At the same time, many companies are formulating subsidy measures.
In addition to "real money" subsidies, there are heart-warming activities full of benefits. The reporter learned that Fujian Hongyi Industrial Co., Ltd. launched a series of activities for employees who stayed at the factory and stayed in stone for the New Year. In addition to a large gift package, the company will also organize free meals, free movie viewing, New Year's Eve lottery, shopping cart pick-ups, distribution of "New Year Open Red Packets", and organization of fun activities such as "Welcome the New Year and Happy New Year and Be a Happy One", etc. Let the employees who stay in stone have a happy New Year during the Spring Festival, have fun, and harvest a richer and warmer "New Year".

Employees responded positively
Compared with companies retaining people with benefits, government departments seek to “break the circle” of services in enriching the lives of employees and helping companies enjoy policy dividends. The reporter learned that the Shishi City Federation of Trade Unions launched the "Red Envelopes for Mother's Family", "One-day Trip to Shishi", "Shared New Year's Day", "Heart-warming New Year's Eve Meal", "Home Warmth", "Movies Entering Enterprises", "Entertainment and New Year", and "Welcome Spring Festival". Eight customized "gifts" such as "Sending health" have become a hot topic among employees in recent times. "We are also constantly advocating companies to guide migrant workers to stay for the New Year as much as possible. While doing a good job in epidemic prevention and protection, we should provide more care for employees so that they can feel the warmth from the'second hometown'." Shishi City Federation of Trade Unions The person in charge said.
Fortunately, these powerful measures launched by the government and enterprises have also allowed more new Shishi people to overcome the "mountainous mountains and rivers" in their hearts and decide to stay for the New Year. "The government and enterprises have given us so many'gifts'. It is good to stay for the New Year." Du Yuanwen, a Chongqing native, has already planned the New Year's plan. At the same time, I also plan to take my family to visit Shishi and see the beautiful scenery." The reporter learned that most employees of Mulinsen Group decided to stay in stone for the New Year, and many of the employees’ family members also sent home specialties. In the company’s dormitory area, local specialties such as bacon and rice wine are filled with fragrance, which relieves the "nostalgia" of the employees.
During the interview, a relevant person in charge of the company said that the employees are wanderers from all over the world, and it is their common expectation to go home for the New Year. In order to win the epidemic prevention and control war, they abandon their strong nostalgia and choose to celebrate the New Year locally. Therefore, the company will try its best to keep people with love, and create a strong New Year's taste for the new Shishi people, and feel at ease in Shishi for the New Year. (Reporter Zhuang Ling'e)

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